Current Visitors:

SI1 - Smartcity,  Journal of Computer Research and Development (in chinese)


Guest editors: Xiong, Zhang; Li, Chuang; Shan, Zhiguang



Journal of Computer Research and Development, Vol. 51(2): 239-324, 2014.

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Editorial of special issue on Smartcity, Journal of Computer Research and Development.
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SI2 - Smart Cities, IEEE Communications Magazine


Guest editors: Mischa Dohler; Carlo Ratti; Jurij Paraszczak; Gordon Falconer

This special issue focuses on ICT technologies allowing for smart city rollouts, deployments, and growth. Some of the gamut of technologies have been researched and developed for years already; others are new. However, their composition and application in the area of smart cities are unparalleled and account for the tremendous upsurge of work in this area, which is mainly attributed to the unique timing between the undeniable need to make cities more efficient, and an enormous set of ICT technologies having become available and affordable. This special issue includes nine articles that yield a fairly complementary and complete picture of the technology landscape in smart city developments:

  • Smart city business models
  • Architectural implications due to business models
  • Wireless access of smart city traffic through M2M
  • Wired backbone offload of aggregated smart city traffic
  • Management of these heterogeneous technologies
  • Crowd-sourced data from/for smarter cities
  • Big data mining approaches
  • Big data exploitation through API stores
  • Privacy issues

IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 51(6): 70-141, 2013.

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Editorial of the special issue on Smart Cities, IEEE Communication Magazine.
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SI3 - IT Footprinting—Groundwork for Future Smart Cities, Computer


Guest editor: Sumi Helal

Recent advances in pervasive and ubiquitous computing provide a glimpse into the future of our planet and reveal exciting visions of smart cities, homes, workplaces, hotels, schools, and much more. Driven by a technological evolution offering "low-power many things and wireless almost everything"-for example, IEEE 802.15.4 radio, wireless sensor networks, and sensor platforms-we could, in only a decade, envision and prototype impressive smart-space systems that improve quality of life, enhance awareness of resources and the environment, and enrich user experiences. For most of these systems, the goals are clear and convincing. But prototyping is one thing-commercial proliferation and creating a new industry are another. This special issue offers four articles on smart cities covering the IT perspective, applications and services, interaction and user experience enrichment, and a fast-progressing smart-city initiative in South Korea. The topic will obviously be revisited in the future to assess progress and refine our understanding of the changing landscape of goals and requirements. We look forward to your active participation in this area and to receiving your future contributions on this topic.


Computer-IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 44(6): 30-63, 2011

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Editorial of the special issue on IT Footprinting—Groundwork for Future Smart Cities, Computer.
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SI4 - Urban Computing: Navigating Space and Context, Computer


Guest editors: Irina Shklovski; Michele F. Chang

This special issue focuses on the topic of urban computing because we feel it is important to consider public spaces as potential sites for the development of computing. The articles presented here point to issues of theoretical understanding of these spaces, as well as the technical feasibility of technology design and development. We are not calling for technology designers to become urban planners and social scientists, but we do suggest that there is a wealth of research in these areas that needs to be taken into account when designing new technologies. Collaborations are crucial to understanding social life and creating technologies that can augment it in positive ways. We believe that research in urban computing can be useful for augmenting and extending existing theories in relevant fields and for greater blending of these fields into a coherent understanding of public social life. The articles presented here were selected based not only on their ability to shed light on the field, but also for their collective impact—each offering a different perspective on public computing.


Computer-IEEE Computer Society, Vol. 39(9): 36-72, 2006.

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Editorial of the special issue on Urban Computing: Navigating Space and Context, Computer.
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SI5 - Urban Computing, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology


Guest editors: Yu Zheng; Licia Capra; Ouri Wolfson; Hai Yang

Urbanization’s rapid progress has modernized many people’s lives, but also engendered big issues, such as traffic congestions, increased energy consumptions, and environmental pollutions. Urban computing aims to tackle these issues by using the data that has been generated in cities, e.g., traffic flow, human mobility and geographical data. Urban computing connects urban sensing, data management, data analytics, and service providing into a recurrent process for an unobtrusive and continuous improvement of people’s lives, city operation systems, and the environment. Urban computing is an interdisciplinary field where computer sciences meet conventional city-related fields, like transportation, civil engineering, environment, economy, ecology, and sociology, in the context of urban spaces. The objective of this special issue on Urban Computing is to bring together top-quality articles on the art and practice of urban computing to demonstrate and discuss its scopes, methodologies, applications, and potential research topics. We received 34 submissions from which 9 articles have been selected for publication after an extensive peer-review process.


ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Vol. 5(3), 2014.

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Editorial of the special issue on Urban Computing, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
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SI6 - Urban Computing, Communications of the CCF (in chinese)


Guest editor: Zheng, Yu

Urban computing is a process of acquisition, integration, and analysis of big and heterogeneous data generated by a diversity of sources in urban spaces, such as sensors, devices, vehicles, buildings, and human, to tackle the major issues that cities face, e.g. air pollution, increased energy consumption and traffic congestion. Urban computing connects unobtrusive and ubiquitous sensing technologies, advanced data management and analytics models, and novel visualization methods, to create win-win-win solutions that improve urban environment, human life quality, and city operation systems. Urban computing also helps us understand the nature of urban phenomena and even predict the future of cities. Commuincations of the CCF (CCCF) published a feature on the urban computiong topic. The special issue includes five papers contributed by researchers from MSRA, TELECOM INT, The University of Tokyo, Zhejiang University, and Peking University. 


Communications of the CCF, Vol. 9(8): 6-38, 2013.

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Editorial of the special issue on Urban Computing, CCCF
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SI7 - Mobile Social Networks, Communications of the CCF (in chinese)


Guest editors: Xie, Xing; Yu, Zhiwen

社交网络(social network)目前可谓是大行其道,其本质是提供一个在人群中分享兴趣、爱好、状态和活动等信息的在线平台。国际知名的社交网络平台脸谱 (Facebook)已经拥有接近9亿用户,Twitter用户数也超过了5亿。在国内,新浪、腾讯和搜狐等公司的微博服务自创办以来,用户数目一直处于 急速上升状态。社交网络可以看作互联网继搜索引擎之后又一次重大的技术进步,已经开始对社会产生深远的影响。随着智能手机等移动设备的普及,使用移动设备 来访问社交网络逐渐成为主流,随之带来了大量崭新的研究和应用机会,例如位置服务、传感器技术与社交网络的结合以及针对移动社交网络数据的管理与挖掘等。 近期,在多个国际学术会议中,如UbiComp和ACM SIGSPATIAL,移动社交网络都是研究热点。伴随着SoLoMo概念的风靡,国内外创业公司也开始关注这个领域。到底什么是移动社交网络?移动社交 网络和传统社交网络有什么不同?移动社交网络又带来了哪些新的研究课题?为此,本期专题邀请多位专家对移动社交网络及其未来发展提出了自己的观点和展望。


Communications of the CCF, Vol. 8(5): 6-42, 2012.

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Editorial of the special issue on Mobile Social Networks, CCCF
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SI8 - Location Based Services, Communications of the CCF (in chinese)


Guest editors: Xie, Xing; Meng, Xiaofeng

空间位置是影响人们日常生活行为的一个重要因素。在软件或互联网应用中加入位置信息不仅可以更好地为用户提供服务,也可以更好地理解用户行为。近年来,通过与互联网服务相结合,定位技术和基于位置的服务开始迅速发展。许多研究机构都预测这些技术在未来几年内将进入高速发展期。ACM于2008年成立了SIGSPATIAL,为在空间信息管理领域展开研究的学者提供了很好的学术平台。中国分会也于2009年10月成立。O’Reilly公司从2005年开始每年定期召开Where 2.0会议。该会议是一个产业界讨论位置服务领域研发和创新的大会。与此同时,主流互联网公司也都在研发下一代地图及位置服务产品,比如 Microsoft Virtual Earth 和 Google Earth 等。尽管中国学术界在定位技术及位置服务技术方面已有多年的研究,但互联网和移动设备的发展为其带来了新的挑战和机遇。本期专题邀请了几位专家从多个角度撰文介绍基于位置的服务。


Communications of the CCF, Vol. 6(6): 8-44, 2010.

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Editorial of the special issue on Location Based Services, CCCF
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